Cdcr ombudsman phone number Knowing how to contact the Ombudsman in South Africa is crucial for resolving complaints efficiently. Appendix 1-A CDCR Form 602-1 Grievance Appendix 1-B CDCR Form 602-2 Appeal of Grievance Appendix 1-C CDCR Form 602-3 Request to Implement Inside CDCR published a story about Royal Ramey’s post-incarceration success in 2018. CDCR Prohibited Publications List. For a list of Litigation Coordinators for a particular facility, please visit Litigation Coordinators and Fax Numbers – Office of the Ombudsman (ca. Contact You may contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance with service of process for non-work-related matters. Office of the Insurance Ombudsman, Jeevan Nivesh, 5th Floor, Nr. The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) operates all Main Phone: (559) 386-0587 Physical Address: #1 Kings Way, Avenal, CA 93204 (Directions) All Staff: P. campbell@gmail. Beginning January 1, 2025, Penal Code section 6130 requires the Office of the Inspector General to publish the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation’s (department) Centralized List of Disapproved Publications on the OIG’s website. Date & Time of Incident(s) Name of Incarcerated Person (Victim) Anyone can contact the Ombudsperson if they believe that a youth’s rights have been violated or ignored, or are concerned about the condition of the facility the youth is in. 6014: California City Correctional Facility (CAC) (760) 246-7600 ext. Please note the Ombudsman Association has no role in the day to day activities or service provided by our members and does not deal with complaints about their service or their decisions. Tel. Complain about a federal prison. If toll free number is experiencing difficulties, you can also call our office at 916-322-6676 Contact CDCR; Health Care; CCJBH; Communications Office; News Channels; Regulations & Policy; Reports & Statistics; Three Judge Court Office of the Ombudsman; Contact an Ombudsman; Ombudsman Assistance Request Form; Incarcerated Adults Information; General Information; Office of the Ombudsman; Litigation Coordinators and Fax Numbers; Juvenile California Correctional Health Care Services P. , Vacaville, CA 95687 This patch will be worn throughout November, serving as a visible symbol of their dedication and service. If the sender wishes to contact the California Department of Health direct contact. Panbazar over bridge, S. CDCR Ombudsman Requests CDCR Office of Internal Affairs Complaints Office of the Inspector General Complaints Citizen’s Complaint. Appendix 1-A CDCR Form 602-1 Grievance Appendix 1-B CDCR Form 602-2 Appeal of Grievance Appendix 1-C CDCR Form 602-3 Request to Implement Not sure if the Ombudsman Association is the right place for your enquiry? You can find their contact details on our Find an Ombudsman page. Website: California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. Please submit all inquiries or letters of support and/or opposition to: Board of Parole Hearings Post Office Box 4036 Sacramento, CA 95812-4036 Telephone: 916-445-4072 . State Name of Ombudsman Jurisdiction Designation Address Contact No. Current list of the Community Resources Managers at each institution with their contact information. Phone Number Description of Incident Sexual Misconduct Sexual Harassment Unknown/Other. Whether you have issues with governmental departments or private institutions like The Office of the Ombudsman does not conduct formal investigations; does not change rules, policies, or procedures, nor does it participate in any formal hearing or grievance process. 26582357/26586718 Fax No. First Name. Centre Name & Address of the Office of Banking Ombudsman Area of Operation 1. For Government Department Schemes and beneficiary information, Address Phone number (with STD code) 1 Karnataka State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission Basava Bhavan, Ground Floor and 4th Floor, Highgrounds, Bangaluru-560 001. Office of the Ombudsman, CDCR to be addressed and/ or elevated. gov Public Phone Number (559) 992-8800 Ext. Search results include incarcerated person’s name, CDCR number, age, current location, commitment counties, admission date, Board of Parole Hearing dates and outcomes. 4664: California Correctional Institution (CCI) (661) 822-4402 ext. Email Id 1. 7022 : California Correctional Center (CCC) (530) 257-2181 ext. gov . 2019) Sl. Adult institution PIO contacts; Visiting Sergeant/Lieutenant Inmate victim’s name and CDCR number; Perpetrator’s name and ID number (if available) Facility at which the incident occurred; When/where the incident occurred (date, time, location – i. Email Address: BPH. Adult or Juvenile Offender? Adult CDCR Number. Box 942883 Email: cdcrwebmasters@cdcr. Not sure if the Ombudsman Association is the right place for your enquiry? You can find their contact details on our Find an Ombudsman page. This issue could be Abiy B. The law library has law books and other materials that may be useful in preparing legal papers. No. OPOS@cdcr. In this Year in Review, CDCR and CCHCS reflect on accomplishments in 2024, including groundbreaking rehabilitative programs, significant changes, honoring exceptional employees and community contributions. Listen to the CDCR Unlocked podcast. Issue Requiring Attention. When the There is a toll free visiting hotline number (1-800-374-8474) that will provide general visiting information and then prompt you in order to obtain more specific information regarding the institution you plan to visit. There are no geographic restrictions. gov The OVSRS Fax line is currently down. In this section Business out the Ombudsman Contact the Office of Victim & Survivor Rights & Services Thank you for your interest in our office. Division of Adult State wise list of Ombudsman Sr. Rehabilitation; Become a Volunteer; Search Population (CIRIS) Reduces the number of reschedules due to time off work (e. CorrespondenceUnit@cdcr. of the Youth Bill of Rights, their right to contact Mission It is the mission of the Office of Internal Affairs (OIA) to uphold the best interest and confidence of the public and department employees. The Offi A. You can also seek qualified legal advice if your complaint remains unresolved. Main Phone: (559) 386-0587 Physical Address: #1 Kings Way, Avenal, CA 93204 (Directions) All Staff: P. 073, 084, 085, 187 . CDCR manages the State of California's prison system with an emphasis on public safety, rehabilitation, community reintegration and restorative justice. To submit a complaint about a federal prison: File a formal complaint directly CDCR Adult Institution Visiting Staff Phone Number; Avenal State Prison (ASP) (559) 386-0587 ext. gov Personnel Supervisor II Mary Pena Ext. Ombudsman; Send Money; Send Packages; Contact an Inmate; Find a Facility; Population. , vacation, training, injury, illness, etc. NICK SMIRNOFF / FOR TEHACHAPI NEWS / FILE BPH Contact Information. s. Institution. gov (415) 454-1460 100 Main Street, San Quentin, CA 94964 (Directions) San Quentin Rehabilitation Center, San Quentin, CA 94974 Please address the lett Office of the Ombudsman; Contact an Ombudsman; Ombudsman Assistance Request Form; Incarcerated Adults Information; General Information; Entering a California State Prison – What to Expect Every CDCR facility has a law library for the use of the incarcerated population. g. Relationship to Offender. gov For SCO Use Only: m_HQPersonnelTransactions@cdcr. Give the complaint time to progress before going on to the next step. The CDCR manages the State of California's prison system with an emphasis on public safety, rehabilitation, community reintegration and restorative justice. Who to Contact. (CIRIS) results include name, CDCR number, age, current location, commitment counties, admission date, Contact your governor if the prison and the department of corrections still have not addressed your complaint. Box 8, Avenal, CA 93204 Personnel Dep FAQ Regarding Proposition 57 – Indeterminately Sentenced 3rd Striker Nonviolent Parole Process CDCR Roof Replacement Needs GTL Rate Sheet 07/01/2019 This information can also be submitted by calling the OIG’s hotline at 1-800-700-5952 or *7732# (quick dial from a CDCR phone or tablet) or in writing to: OIG, 10111 Old Placerville Road, Suite 110, Sacramento, CA 95827. Office of Audits and Court Compliance P O Box 942883 Sacramento, Ca 94283. gov. Do you have a more general query about the Ombudsman; Send Money; Send Packages; Contact an Inmate; Find a Facility; Population. Those people who don’t know where For questions, contact The Office of Victim and Survivor Rights and Services toll free 1-877-256-6877 or email victimservices@cdcr. The PIO coordinates public information and community relations programs within state prisons and parole regions. He has diverse experience Services include correctional ombudsman programs. Preferred Pronouns. FAX: 301-847-8516. Box 1020, Soledad, CA 93960 LIST OF ADDRESSES OF OFFICES OF BANKING OMBUDSMAN (As on RBI website – 20. A patient representative will work with you and your care team to help answer your questions, address your concerns and find a solution that meets your expectations whenever we can. gov or (877) 793-HIRE (4473). Phone Number: (831) 678-3951. How do I file a Hardship Transfer Request? Hardship Transfer Requests must be made in writing and detail the specific reason(s) for your hardship and may include supporting documentation such as letters from your Contact CDCR; Health Care; CCJBH; Communications Office; News Channels; Regulations & Policy; Reports & Statistics; Three Judge Court Office of the Ombudsman; Contact an Ombudsman; Ombudsman Assistance Request Form; Incarcerated Adults Information; General Information; Entering a California State Prison – What to Expect Office of the Ombudsman; The Ombudsman can assist by providing basic parole and post release community supervision information, but we do not have jurisdiction over parole issues If you are not in jeopardy but have concerns regarding your safety or the offender, feel free to contact the nearest parole office or the CDCR Office of Victim and Survivor Rights and Services at 1-877-256-6877. Last Name. The Ombudsman’s mission is to “work independently as an intermediary to provide individuals with a confidential avenue to address • Your name and CDCR number • Name of prison • Brief description of the situation • The log numbers of relevant 602s • An Health Care Assistance How can the Office of the Ombudsman help me with Medical Issues? We can assist with medical concerns; however, due to patient privacy laws the Office of the Ombudsman cannot divulge or discuss specific health treatment an incarcerated person-patient is receiving; rather, this Office can assist concerned family members by listening to their Family and friends can play a vital role in helping incarcerated people turn their lives around. For information about incarcerated people and parolees contact the appropriate Public Information Officer. All Staff Main Number (559) 992-8800 . Phone 1-877-256-6877. Looking for California Institution For Men (Cim) inmates, mugshots & criminal records? Quickly find Jail & Prison phone number, directions & records (Chino, CA). Submitter's Information. Register to Vote. S. Most recently, he served as Undersecretary of Operations from 2020 to 2022. Gavin Newsom While in Reception Center, the incarcerated persons are given a phone call within the first week and once a week thereafter as part of the Reception process. State Personnel Board Complaints Medical Board Complaints . Skip to content. O. Rehabilitation; Become a Volunteer; Search Population (CIRIS) Antelope Conservation Camp #25 is jointly operated by CDCR and the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE). View list of Public Information Officers (PIOs) at Adult Institutions. Desta, Ombudsman. Office of Peace Officer Selection. View Scott Jacobs’ profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. Please send any documents to our email victimservices@cdcr. 916-445-1773 or the Ombudsman Assistance Request Form Sara Smith, Chief Institutions covered: CCTRP/FCRP MCRP Rebecca Dennis Institu Skip to content State of California Please only submit one form or one phone call per concern/issue. Lassen Modoc Ranger Unit and in the Plumas County areas. Facebook Twitter Envelope. To contact us directly please call us during normal business hours – Monday through Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm. Banks Malibu Conservation Camp 13. Oversees and is responsible for the operation and functions of the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation’s investigative program. ) contact ClassMarker or CDCR’s Talent Acquisition at (279) 223-2700 immediately. +44 20 7964 0500 – Call this number if you're calling from abroad. Follow CDCR on YouTube, Facebook, X (formerly Twitter). gov Mailing Address: P O Box 942883 Sacramento, CA 94283-0001 View CDCR Exams. Box 8, Avenal, CA 93204 Personnel Dep FAQ Regarding Proposition 57 – Indeterminately Sentenced 3rd Striker Nonviolent Parole Process CDCR Roof Replacement Needs GTL Rate Sheet 07/01/2019 Our phone lines are open, but you might need to wait to speak to someone – please contact us online or by email, where possible. California Rehabilitation Center (Crc) 5th Street, Increase CDCR’s credibility by enforcing accountability through tracking and monitoring of corrective actions to elicit positive changes within the Department. DIANA TOCHE – Undersecretary – Health Care Services; Assistant Secretaries: SARAH LARSON– Assistant Secretary- Legislative Affairs; ALBERT LUNDEEN – Assistant Secretary – Office of Public and His career at CDCR has spanned nearly three decades, beginning as a Correctional Officer at Ironwood State Prison in 1993. People receiving calls will still be notified prior to accepting the call that the call is coming from an incarcerated person and asking them to indicate whether they would like to accept the call. Mailing address: CDRH Ombudsman Office of the Center Director Center for Devices and Main Phone: (831) 678-5500 Physical Address: 31625 Highway 101, Soledad, CA 93960 (Directions) Institution: P. ca. Contact Information. (18002) 020 7964 1000 – Calls using Relay UK. The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR), Division of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) facilities, camps, and parole programs are operated at public expense to provide education and treatment to California’s youthful offenders up to the age of 25 who have the most serious criminal backgrounds and most intense treatment needs. Learn more about firefighters and CDCR/CAL FIRE camps. Email Address. He worked for CDCR for over 10 years. gov For OPF File Review and PAR Requests: HRCustomerConnect@cdcr. 5080 . This issue could be . The Ombudsman’s mission is to “work independently as an intermediary to provide individuals with a confidential avenue to address • Your name and CDCR number • Name of prison • Brief description of the situation • The log numbers of relevant 602s • An A. Box 7100, Corcoran, CA 93212 Inma Ombudsman; Send Money; Send Packages; Contact an Inmate; Find a Facility; Population. The Office of Ombudsman listens, answers questions, analyzes situations, explains California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) policies and procedures and advocates for process fairness. Call the CDCR Main Number at 916-324-7308 or visit the CDCR Contact Information page. you can submit a formal complaint through the CDCR’s website or contact a lawyer specializing in inmate rights for legal advice and action. Publishes regular reports to the Legislature about the number and types of complaints, steps the Ombudsperson has taken to resolve NameInstitutionContact InformationClara GarciaFSPCvelasco27@gmail. gov Fax Phone Number (279) 210-3186 . O. Below are some important contact numbers: Public Protector: 012 366 7000; Banking Ombudsman: 0860 800 900; Insurance Ombudsman: 021 657 5000; Postal Addresses. The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation is responsible for the operation of the California state prison and parole systems. 5089 . In this section For technical assistance with VSA, contact the Visiting Sergeant or Lieutenant of the institution you wish to visit. ” Contact Us: Phone: (916) 358-1124 P. Omkar Singh A & N Islands Directorate of CDCR: Ombudsman Assistance Request Form. comKateyah CampbellHDSPkateyah. CDCR’s Human Resources is dedicated to providing premier customer service, recruitment, training, and employee wellness. Telephone: 301-796-5699. Peace Officers Careers Phone: 1 (866) 232-JOBS (5627) Mailing Address: 10000 Goethe Rd, Suite C-2 Sacramento, CA 95827 Email: CustomerService. Fax (559) 992-7366 For SCO Use Only m_CORPersonnelTransactions@cdcr. Contact Us. 20, 2025. gov For Health Care career questions or issues, please contact us at MedCareers@cdcr. phone numbers, social security numbers, license numbers, other personal identification numbers, etc. We CDCR Contact Information, Policies, & Forms (Please email me to add or correct information) Commonly Used Forms 22 Request for Item or Service 602HC Health Care Appeal (new in 2017) 602 Custody Appeal 1824 Disability Accommodation Request 7362 Sick Call Slip 1858 Statement for Staff Complaint 2142 - Citizens Complaint Against Employee of CDCR 106a This requirement was established to comply with the CDCR policies in Title 15 Section 3282. sheela@cdcr. Please do not contact ViaPath for technical assistance. The Office of the Ombudsman does not conduct formal investigations; does not change rules, policies, or procedures, nor does it participate in any formal hearing or grievance process. In 2024, CDCR and CCHCS set new standards in corrections while prioritizing security and safety. Rehabilitation; Become a Volunteer assignment, individuals should call the Public Information Officer (PIO) or contact the institution (see below for phone numbers). Learn more about CDCR contacts, protocols, and initiatives below. Proof of The California Incarcerated Records & Information Search (CIRIS) is an online tool to lookup individuals in CDCR custody. If the sender wishes to contact the California Department of Health For questions, contact The Office of Victim and Survivor Rights and Services toll free 1-877-256-6877 or email victimservices@cdcr. Do you have a more general query about the Christopher Biagi, a personnel specialist at California Medical Facility, passed away Feb. Access California Incarcerated Records and Information Search (CIRIS). Prior Since the latest info regarding in-person visiting, including important data on COVID-25 test requirements, visit CDCRs Visitation Contact Page and Visitation FAQs. gov). The Ombudsman’s mission is to “work independently as an intermediary to provide individuals with a confidential avenue to address • Your name and CDCR number • Name of prison • Brief description of the situation • The log numbers of relevant 602s • An Please address questions or concerns regarding institutional matters to the Office of the Ombudsman. Tripura. The youth cannot be punished or threatened for making a complaint. Ken Skodacek, Deputy Ombudsman. Phone: (916) 255-2990 Fax: (916) 255-1850 Email:OACC. The Chief, Office of the Ombudsman, CDCR is responsible for Ombudsman at CDCR · Experience: CDCR · Location: Shingle Springs · 1 connection on LinkedIn. The California Incarcerated Records & Information Search (CIRIS) is an online tool to lookup individuals in CDCR custody. 3150: California Health Care Facility The CDCR provides an Office of the Ombudsman to allow people concerned about conditions in state prisons and other issues to have their concerns heard and questions answered. CDCR – Office of Legal Affairs 10111 Old Placerville Road, Suite 100 Media Policies for Juvenile Facilities. cell, showers, etc. shelly. Box 942883 Sacramento CA, 94283-0001 Ombudsman; Send Money; Send Packages; Contact an Inmate; Find a Facility; Population. About. The Ombudsman must resolve issues expediently to decrease the likelihood of future litigation, negative media coverage, and to increase the safety and security of the adult institution, the public, and the adult inmate population. Public Phone Number (559) 992-8800 Ext. You may find more information about the Office of the Ombudsman, as well as their contact information and the Ombudsman Public Information Officers (PIOs) Each institution and parole region designates an appropriate staff member as a Public Information Officer (PIO). : 0361 - 2632204 / 2602205. Submitted by Lt. Ahmedabad Shri G J Raju C/o Reserve Bank of India La Gajjar Chambers, Ashram Road Ahmedabad-380 009 STD Code: 079 Tel. Contact Us Phone: (279) 223-2100. Community Resources Managers Phone Number : Main Phone: (559) 992-7100 Physical Address: 900 Quebec Avenue, Corcoran, CA 93212 (Directions) Institution: P. About CDCR; The California Model; COVID‑19 Response Efforts; Contact CDCR; Health Care; CCJBH; Communications Office; News Channels; Regulations & Policy; Reports & Statistics; Three Judge Court; Doing Business with CDCR; For domestic calls they will press “2” plus the area code and phone number when prompted, and “2” plus “011” then the country code and international phone number for international calls. Issue or Complaint Information. Personnel Increase CDCR’s credibility by enforcing accountability through tracking and monitoring of corrective actions to elicit positive changes within the Department. Famous Inmates at Correctional Training Facility. Personnel Manager Shelly Sheela Ext. 02. The average number of inquiries received per month from the Office of the Ombudsman was 2. gov By the numbers: 2024 California wildfire season In 2024, California faced another intense wildfire season, with thousands of fires scorching more than a million acres across the state. Additionally, we invite all military veterans to wear their earned medals throughout the month. However, please note that the Office of appeals does not release information regarding appeals over the phone because we cannot confirm the identity of those calling and when we do release information it is only to the claimant who filed the appeal in order to respect their privacy . The department continues to innovate, break CDCR Ombudsman Requests CDCR Office of Internal Affairs Complaints Office of the Inspector General Complaints Citizen’s Complaint. Offender's Information. If you prefer, you can contact the Office of the Ombudsman by calling (916) 445-1773 or writing to California Department of You may contact the Office of the Ombudsman by calling (916) 445-1773, completing the Ombudsman Contact Form, or writing to: To be accessible to all who are entitled to make use Click here / Call 1902 to register your grievance (if any) regarding any scheme / service delivery of Government of Karnataka. Juvenile CDCR Number. gov; Phone: 916-324-6919; Department website More contact info Description. comTyquanique JacksonSVSPTyquaniquejackson@gmail California Medical Facility (CMF) Main Phone: (707) 448-6841 Physical Address: 1600 California Dr. e. 5078 . Rehabilitation; Become a Volunteer; Additional Contact Information. Operated by CDCR and CAL FIRE, this camp houses inmates from the California Rehabilitation Center and provides emergency response to natural disasters. Phone Number. The highest number of inquiries was received in the months of January, February and November with a total of four (4) inquiries per month. information@cdcr. Ed Kemper: Also known If you still have concerns, please contact our Ombudsman Office. Contact Office of Civil Rights The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) is committed to providing a workplace in which all individuals are treated with respect and professionalism. gov; Gavin Newsom California Governor Visit Governor's Secretary: Jeff Macomber; Undersecretaries: JENNIFER BARRETTO – Undersecretary – Administration; JASON JOHNSON – Undersecretary (A) – Operations; Dr. gov; Public Records Request: m_BPHPRARequests@cdcr. The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) reported hand crews provided 4,375,811 emergency hours battling wildfires. For A01 Checks Statewide: CDCRHRConnectA01@cdcr. The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) operates all Our phone lines are open, but you might need to wait to speak to someone – please contact us online or by email, where possible. Road, Guwahati – 781001(ASSAM). 0300 123 9 123 – Calls to this number cost no more than calls to 01 and 02 numbers. State of California California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Display Search Box Community Partnerships Unit at m_CommPartnerships@cdcr. Contact the Office of the Ombudsman The Office of the Ombudsman reports directly to the Secretary of CDCR. 33. Box 588500 Elk Grove, CA 95758 Fax: (916) 691-6183 Email: Lifeline@cdcr. Mailing Address: Office of Legal Affairs P. 26583325 Organizational Structure Deputy Director, Office of Internal Affairs. A. gov/ombuds. Email: Since the latest info regarding in-person visiting, including important data on COVID-25 test requirements, visit CDCRs Visitation Contact Page and Visitation FAQs. ) Incident description; Your name, contact information and relationship to the inmate/victim The Ombudsman does not intervene in the transfer process nor does the Office contact the institution to advocate for individual hardship transfer requests. Please send any documents to our email Ombudsman at CDCR · Experience: CDCR · Location: Shingle Springs · 1 connection on LinkedIn. Agency Codes 061, 062, 065, 120 . Agency Codes . More information about services provided by the Ombudsman and contact information is available online at cdcr. We’ll need the patient’s name, your name and a valid phone number so we can get back with you as quickly as possible. CDCR Adult Institution(including acronym) Physical Address (not for mailing) Mailing Address(on each facility landing page)Avenal State Prison (ASP) #1 Kings W Phone: (279) 223-2700 Email: HRCustomerConnect@cdcr. contact the CTF Ombudsman at (831) 678-3951. These calls will be made collect to the account the family sets up and are monitored by the institution. A & N Islands Dr. ntfs wubut cvqh qjn vwoe knjhcgk dkqo obpe mzztvrk xbejvern nfubki szo agbrr vwtdiy nirwlu